Sunday, December 12, 2010


                                                             TEAMS GLOBAL VILLAG 

We visualize that TEAMS SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY in the near future would evolve into a world class IT school recognized for its commitment to high powered quality education to be an institution that will offer affordable world- class education to all classes of students in order to uplift the standards of the society we serve, by nurturing human values and ethics and by imparting knowledge, which emphasizes on skills of life.

We will aspire to develop outstanding professionals and entrepreneurs who epitomize humanistic values, are socially responsible curators and create and propagation practitioner – oriented knowledge that will uplift society


                                             " TEAMS GLOBAL VILLAGE  OUR AIM " 
Imparting the right mix of knowledge, skills and attitude to successfully meet the challenges of dynamic international business environment.

Delivering experiential learning to encourage in student’s professionalism, collaboration, appreciation of leadership, ability to work hard, take rational decision and develop high thinking and refine social needs.

Expand student’s understanding of the business world through intensive industry interface and bridge the gap between theory and practice


                                         TEAMS SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MISSION

We visualize that TEAMS SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY in the near future would evolve into a world class IT school recognized for its commitment to high powered quality education to be an institution that will offer affordable world- class education to all classes of students in order to uplift the standards of the society we serve, by nurturing human values and ethics and by imparting knowledge, which emphasizes on skills of life.

We will aspire to develop outstanding professionals and entrepreneurs who epitomize humanistic values, are socially responsible curators and create and propagation practitioner – oriented knowledge that will uplift society.

                                                                Academic Program

M.C.A (Mater of Computer Applications)M.B.A (Master of Business Administration)
M.Sc (Computer Science)B.C.A (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
B.Sc (Computer Science)
B.Sc (Multimedia & Visual Animation)B.B.A (Bachelor Business Administration)
B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce)B.Sc (Renewable Energy Management)
B.Sc (Mobile & Wireless Communication)B.Sc (Hardware Network & System Administration )


                                                 OUR FACILITIES







                                                                                                   ANNAMALI UNIVERSITY 

                                                        MS UNIVERSITY

                                      CALICUT  UNIVERSITY


  1. hello sir/madam,
    I had join in the teams college 2 years back for Mcom.At that time the name of the institution was teams college ,tcr. now it has been changed to teams IT Park. Is this fair? can u change the name of the institute year by year. I had mentioned in my resume as teams college which i had completed my Mcom.but wen the employers enquire about the institute , it is totally absent which will make an assumption by them tat the candidate is doing some fraudulent please consider this ...
    Hope u will consider the students career too with the growth of your institution.

  2. worst college ever..plz guyz dnt waste your money and time!

  3. so trueee...worssttt!..complete waste of money...they dont even have proper teachers
